Trunk or Treat This Friday in Topeka - Sign Up!

Trunk or Treat is this Friday and we want to get as many people to this fun meet as possible.  This is a beginner meet and is primarily for fun.  Elite, Senior and Parents will be in charge of decorating their cars.  Remember, there will be no workout for Asteroids, Eclipse or Elite this Friday; we will all be at Trunk or Treat.

After a short meet, kids will all dress up and go from car to car in the parking lot to get candy and have some fun.  Elite, Senior and Parents will be in charge of decorating their trunks in a theme of their choosing.  This meet serves as a great way to mingle with parents, try out Halloween costumes and learn the basics of meet procedure in a relaxed atmosphere.

Hope to see you there!


Where: Topeka

When: 5:30 - 8:30 Be at the pool around 5:15