Trunk or Treat Recap

Wow!  What a great time.  This year's Trunk or Treat was the best I have ever been involved with.  A huge thanks to TSA for sharing their awesome pool space with us and running an even more awesome meet.  We were able to have lots of new swimmers participate in a fun and friendly meet for the first time and our vets were able to get in some great racing.  For results, click here.

After the meet, we saw a ton of spooky costumes and were able to Trunk or Treat, mingle with friends and have a blast.  For those who missed this meet OR for those who would love to get back to this pool soon, please sign up for the Wheel or Worms meet under Events.  This one-day meet will be another great opportunity to race close to home.

Thanks again to TSA and to all of our parents who came out to the meet.  A special thanks to those who volunteered to time at the meet.  This is a great way to get involved at swim meets and the host teams are very appreciative.  It really says a lot about our great parents!  Go AAAA.