Asteroids, Comets, Stars Meeting tonight
Meetings This Week and Beyond!
TONIGHT! - Stars, Comets and Asteroids Group Meeting*: September 7th
FRIDAY - Eclipse, Senior and Elite Group Meeting*: September 9th
* Please make a note to try and attend these informative meetings which will cover important material about where AAAA is headed as a team and how you and your child are an important part of the plan. Child and parent invited to this meeting during regular workout time.
AAAA Parent’s Night Out Social*: September 16th
* This social is a time to kick back, relax and have fun with the AAAA family. Please plan on attending this fun event. Price and location out soon!
Swim-A-Thon* and Annual AAAA Meeting: October 8th
* We are currently seeking volunteers for this Fundraiser -- contact Patrick if you can help with passing out packets, setting up breakfast or soliciting other volunteers/sponsors for the event.