Online MVS All-Star Application is Open


Athletes that wish to participate in this meet are encouraged to submit the online Meet Entry form listed on the MVS Website. The form must be received by the All-Star Team's Head Coach NO LATER THAN 7:00pm on Monday, December 17, 2012. Entry forms received after this date will not be considered. All 14 and under athletes with at least one Short Course 2013-2016 National Motivational "A" time during the current Short Course season (beginning September 1, 2012) are encouraged to apply. Selections will be based on the top five swimmers for each event. Each swimmer is allowed to participate in up to two (2) events per session, not including relays. Athletes may indicate event preferences when submitting their applications; however, the final All-Star roster and athlete entries will be based on the most competitive team lineup for Missouri Valley Swimming. Athletes will be notified of team placement and events no later than Wednesday, January 2, 2013.




The following is a letter from the All-Star Coach for MVS:


Hello Missouri Valley Coaches and Families,

It is my pleasure to represent Missouri Valley as your Head Coach for the All-Star

2013 Swim Meet. I am looking forward to working with this year’s team and staff.

The applications for both coaches and swimmers are NOW available on the

Missouri Valley website ( ). Please encourage

coaches and swimmers to apply. The coach application is due December 14th,

2012. The swimmer application is due NO LATER than 7:00PM on December

17th, 2012.




We will take the top 5 swimmers for each event. Each swimmer has a maximum

of 2 entries per session. If your swimmer is selected to the team, an email will be sent to you with information about team apparel, team pictures, warm up times, etc. Swimmers

are responsible for their own travel and accommodations for this meet.




Again, I look forward to working with everyone involved in the 2013 All-Star Meet.

CJ Roberts

Head Coach

Missouri All-Star Team
